The Dark Knight. One of the best movies ever made! With IMDB ranking this epic movie with amazing 9.0 stars, you can argue that this movie is number 1. And I can see why! The Dark Knight isn't just about Batman vs The Joker, hell no!
Some reasons why The Dark Knight is a epic movie:
1) It shows us what is wrong with society today! Everyone knows everything about everyone even if we don't want them to! But what happens when when a person (The Joker) has no record? Total panic!
2) It proves that the most nice and decent person can be molded and turned into evil. No one is truly who they think they are! If you where to say to Harvey Dent 'Hey man, do you ever think you go crazy and try to kill people', he would probably laugh and say no!
3) You are only human! Like it or not, you have a weakness! Batman's was Rachel.
4) To tie in with 3, Batman has a dark side! He's only rule is that he will never kill anyone. But I'm sure as hell positive that he would have killed The Joker for the death of Rachel. What stopped him? Fear! Fear of becoming like The Joker.
5) What is the difference between Hero and Villain? Where do you draw the line? Batman may refuse to kill but he still mane and majorly harm others. So The Joker kills people but some would argue that they would rather be killed off than maned.
6) All it takes is one rich company to make a machine that can spy on you and everyone in a city/country. Ask yourself this, if Lucius Fox didn't tell Bruce to destroy the machine, would Batman have used it after The Jokers capture? OF COURSE HE WOULD!
The list can go on but this isn't the reason why I'm writing this. I know why this movie is amazing and most know too but there are some that think differently. Talking to others about the movie, I always hear someone saying this:
"The Dark Knight is only rated so highly because it's the last performance by Heath Ledger!"
R.I.P Heath
THAT IS BULL! Yes, it is tragic that Heath Ledger died before the movie was released and he will be missed. BUT that doesn't mean this movie gets special credits! Look at The Crow and the death of Brandon Lee, IMDB rated The Crow at a good rating of 7.9 stars! Does it look like The Crow got special treatment? NO! It's sad what happened to Heath Ledger and he will forever be my favorite Joker, followed closely by Mark Hamill.
"But I heard that the role of The Joker killed him!"
WHAT! Now that is ridiculous! But lets look at the facts that people 'claim' supports their 'theory':
Heath developed insomnia while filming and had to take tablets - Wouldn't you have insomnia if your home life was difficult while you are flying all over the world filming TWO movies at the same time?!
Heath was a method actor - Yeah, him and many other actors! Actors do stupid things to get into character, Tom Cruz went undercover as a mail man so he could learn how to 'blend in' for a movie role! It's not uncommon!
People thinking the role killed Heath Ledger are stupid! There's no curse, no killer role and there are no facts! Think about it, Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero didn't die from the role! And on the subject of Jack Nicholson, how dare he say he 'warned' Heath about the role! It's wasn't and still isn't his place to say that! If you haven't read the interview, you can read it here. In the end if Heath did kill himself, we will never know why so why can't people drop it and let the man rest in peace!
So like I said before, The Dark Knight is rated highly due to it's storyline and the reasons that noted earlier, not because of Heath Ledger's death. If you really think that is the case then why aren't many films, where actors died, rated higher? I suggest you re-watch the film and actually listen!
Heath was a method actor - Yeah, him and many other actors! Actors do stupid things to get into character, Tom Cruz went undercover as a mail man so he could learn how to 'blend in' for a movie role! It's not uncommon!
People thinking the role killed Heath Ledger are stupid! There's no curse, no killer role and there are no facts! Think about it, Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero didn't die from the role! And on the subject of Jack Nicholson, how dare he say he 'warned' Heath about the role! It's wasn't and still isn't his place to say that! If you haven't read the interview, you can read it here. In the end if Heath did kill himself, we will never know why so why can't people drop it and let the man rest in peace!
So like I said before, The Dark Knight is rated highly due to it's storyline and the reasons that noted earlier, not because of Heath Ledger's death. If you really think that is the case then why aren't many films, where actors died, rated higher? I suggest you re-watch the film and actually listen!
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